Are You Up For A Challenge?

by Michelle Pearson

Luke 12:34 (NIV)  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

If you’ve been around me much or been coached by me, you know that I am big on sharing KEYS to success in health and keys to victory in life. Well, as I start my own personal training for two major expeditions this year, I have a key to help you – and me – get through challenging times – either planned and purposed or the unexpected ones! I like to call this the “Power Key.” 

The key to comprehension (revelation) of the power that works in you (and even the question as to whether it does work in you or not) depends on what it is that you love.

Whatever you love most is what motivates your actions and your will.

You can make it through anything if you keep the Power Key in your heart and in your hand!

Don’t just let life happen to you.

Challenge the negative mindsets, life challenges, old thought patterns, fears, and wounds! Choose what you love most and take action in the power of that choice!

When it is the Lord whom we love the most, when He has first place in our lives, Philippians 2:13 tells us, “…it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.”

As I read farther in Chapter 12 of the Gospel of Luke, it was hard for me to find a stopping point. Day after day, He leads me back to the same message, found throughout His Word! And, as we ramp up to press in and punch through, the message, the passion, and the anointing of His Holy Spirit seem to be growing more intense and more powerful each day. The message is undeniable for those who are listening: The Lord is drawing us to the revelation to prepare, to be ready, to lay hold of and possess the victory He purchased for us – spirit, soul, and body.

Why? First, because He paid the ultimate price in order to redeem us from the curse and from death, hell, and the grave and that price should no longer be taken for granted!  And secondly, so that we can be the living testimony of His Glory to the world around us in this, the day of His return!

People in the world are desperate for hope and answers! I cannot say this strongly enough! Christ, who is in us, is the answer they seek and the hope of glory! The real question is: Will they see Him in your life, including your body? I am determined that people will see more of Him than me in my life and I have chosen to follow God and do TWO expeditions this year with larger teams than ever! I desire to ever increase He that is within and further decrease the me that used to be!

But… “Can’t we just exclude the body, Michelle?” No. You are made in His image, Spirit, Soul, and Body. It is why He came in bodily form to pay the price for our complete redemption from sin.

Luke 6:44 declares, For every tree is known by his own fruit. The body is the result (the fruit) of what the soul wills to act and to do. If you are truly led by the Spirit of God, if your love for Him is first place in your life, your body – and mine – will reflect that because your choices will come from the mind renewed to the Word of God!

I challenge you today to ask yourself,

Is my life (even my body) a living testimony to the Lord and His power?

Do I stand ready and able to serve at any moment?

Do I walk it out with ACTION and RESULTS?

Or do I TALK (or post) more than doing?

In Luke 13:6-9 (NIV), Jesus told this parable, “A man had a fig tree, planted in his vineyard, and he went to look for fruit on it, but did not find any. So he said to the man who took care of the vineyard, ‘For three years now I’ve been coming to look for fruit on this fig tree and haven’t found any. Cut it down! Why should it use up the soil?’ “ ‘Sir,’ the man replied, ‘leave it alone for one more year, and I’ll dig around it and fertilize it. If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not, then cut it down.’ ”

We have an opportunity today to CHOOSE. It’s your life… it’s your choice. Bear fruit that lasts by acting upon the wisdom keys for health you are being given. Make choices that glorify God. It is by our fruit we will be recognized – all of it, Spirit, Soul, and Body.

Believe. Choose. Activate. Achieve. Repeat!

Did you learn anything? Leave me your comments and questions below!

I’d love to connect with you Facebook and Twitter too!

Michelle Pearson Everett
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