How do you climb a mountain?

Pikes Peak (c) Michelle Pearson 2015by Michelle Pearson

I followed two groups this year on the internet who were training to climb Mt. Everest. The reports of their training, their mindset changes, the money involved in making the trip and the climb, and the emotional support received from family, friends, and even strangers were all really remarkable. I found it captivated my imagination… and then my vision!

It made me think (just for a few minutes) that I could do that! I could do that! Then my mindset said, “You are nuts! You’d have to be nuts to do that, and for what purpose?” Wow. Shot down before I ever made it to even training to climb the mountain. By my own mindset!

You see, that’s how it happens. We look at the beautiful pictures from the summit of success and are inspired to change, to go, to do, to dream. Then we step back and reason. And, when we do, we see the whole mountain, looming in front of us, no longer beautiful, but ominous, daunting, one huge reminder of what we can’t do, and how we failed before, where we came short. And we turn our focus back on something else within our comfort zone, where little to nothing ever changes.

But the truth is… no one, no matter who they are or what they’ve ever done, scales the mountain tops all at once or without preparation and training. No, to climb the mountain and take in the view from the summit, we all have to do it the same way.

You must get the vision of the summit in your heart, make it plain, clearly seeing yourself there already, before your first step. Then, you must lower your sights to the first five to ten steps in front of you and… here’s the key: go.

Step by step is how you summit any mountain. You can’t steer a parked car and you can’t climb a mountain without ever taking a step away from the base. Make the FIRST STEP. Then make another step. That’s how you reach the summit.

This is true with any challenge you will ever face in life. Some challenges, like symptoms of disease or a terrifying diagnoses, seem to loom larger than other, less scary challenges, like say, a few extra pounds packed on during the holidays… every year for 30 years. But yet, the way to the pinnacle, the view from the victory, starts the same: you first get a vision of the end, be motivated by the victory and decide to accept it as already yours. With that as your beginning, come back to where you are and begin to move to where you see yourself to be.

Step by step.

Choose, Activate, Achieve.

It’s your health… it’s your choice.

Do you want to live in the pinnacle of good health? Or, maybe that’s too tall a mountain to shoot for? Perhaps your mental, physical mountain is just to believe you could be pain-free again? Whatever you can envision, don’t be discouraged by the looming mountains. See the summit. Get the vision. Then…

Take the first Five Steps to Health… (to be continued)


Michelle is known as The Dr’s Wife, Minister, Media Maven, Mountain Taker, Ambassador for Him, health, healing, high heels & hiking boots. Preferably in pink.

Currently in a season of change and Spirit-led transitions, you can find updates from Michelle on the About page.

In courageous adventures of faith, with humor and compassion Michelle uses the power of media and the backdrops of the mountains and His majesty to powerfully communicate revelation (spirit), information (soul), and application (body) to enable whosoever will to produce the operation of Godly wisdom in their own lives.

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Michelle Pearson Everett
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