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Our last post sparked a great question about CoQ10, so I went to our own Dr. Ray Pearson, for some helpful information. If you are new to the blog or haven’t read the bios before, I will take this opportunity to introduce him to you. Besides being a wonderful husband, partner, father, grandfather, Minister, and the list goes on, my brilliant and gifted husband is also (here’s the part you should be interested in) a nutrition sciences specialist, a Chiropractic Physician, and a Pharmacist; Dr. Ray has over 1000 hours of continuing eduction in pharmacy, biology, and nutrition sciences.  So, he is rightly and definitely our go-to man for all questions like this one on CoQ10!

CoQ10 is part of the body’s natural enzymatic process and it can be taken as a nutritional supplement that primarily strengthens the heart’s ability to pump with proper muscle strength (as well as strengthening other muscles). It is highly useful in increasing the transport of oxygen through the bloodstream and to the organs and cells of the body.

One might hear of it occasionally in relation to people who take cholesterol lowering medications, as they reduce or block the performance of CoQ10 in the body, sometimes resulting in serious muscle weakness, as well as other types of damage.

There are a few forms of CoQ10, basically breaking down to either water-soluble or fat-soluble forms. This distinction makes some advertising about CoQ10 difficult to decipher, thankfully, Dr. P has done that for me!

We strongly and exclusively recommend the form that comes as Ubiquinol which the body both absorbs and utilizes best. Most especially when consumed with a meal that contains proteins or fats, or with your daily Krill oil.

Speaking from personal experience, I have proven over this last year, taking 100mg 3 times a day during my heaviest training, that it greatly helps with travel, athletic performance, and oxygen levels at high altitudes :).

In addition to the functions mentioned above, Coenzyme Q10 aids in maintaining healthy levels of cholesterol, helps support the health of vessel walls. It supports the anti-aging process in our skin and produces energy to every cell of the body, allowing those cells to function more optimally.

Because of its vascular benefits, it is becoming increasing supported that CoQ10 may also be helpful in reducing the migraine headaches as well as improving sexual function in men.

When used in connection with therapeutic levels of good fats, including NKO Krill, there are indications it might slow and eventually improve function in patients with Parkinson’s disease.

Deficiency has been associated with cardiovascular problems including angina, arrhythmia, heart failure and high blood pressure. Problems with blood sugar regulation, gingival (gum) health, fibromyalgia, as well as stomach ulcers, have also been associated with CoQ10 deficiency.

As I wrote above, Ubiquinol form of CoQ10 is fat-soluble, so take the supplement with a meal containing fat or your daily NKO Krill dose. Be sure to purchase the soft-gel ubiquinol form when taking CoQ10, as this has greater antioxidant efficiency than any form of ubiquinone.

While there is no listed “official Daily Value” recommendation, Dr Pearson typically suggests Ubiquinol for any adult taking statin medications and for those with a family history of heart problems, or who is at increased risk for cardiovascular disease, as well as including it for those who travel frequently or are involved in exercise, sports and athletic endeavors.

This article triggered some thoughts in me about dosage recommendations and other things. So as a follow up, I’m going to address targeting your nutrition, choosing the right regimen,  and internet research in the next post. Be sure that you stay tuned!

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Michelle Pearson Everett
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