eat-happyHappy Weekend! Well, it’s the weekend when I first wrote this, but happy whatever day it is when you read it too! Just a reminder that HAPPY is a choice and happy is good for your digestion!

I hope you took the opportunity to read the last blog, if not, you can catch it here first, before today’s.  For the rest of you, to pick right up where we closed on that, beyond those general steps we discussed, the following eating styles work optimally with the body’s design and are safe and healthy for long-term use:

1) Eat healthy, lean, quality natural meats (red meat (really, it is ok to enjoy a nice steak and yes, you can slip me a twenty for that later), fish, eggs or poultry, as you like) with 65-85% veggies, at least 1T or more of good fats per meal, including EVCO, EVOO, avocado, even butter in moderation (natural or organic) plus 2 servings of low-glycemic, specific carbohydrate choices or whole grains (a portion equals your fist size) per day, each portion preferably consumed at separate meals. OR…

2) Meals where you eat healthy, clean proteins/fats and carbohydrates but consume them in separate meals, limiting the carbohydrates to one meal or snack per day, eaten within 2 hours. Fruit eaten separately as a snack or late dessert. This method dramatically improves digestion and blood sugar control, usually within a few days to a couple of weeks.

* Persons with extreme gut problems can avoid all grain-based carbohydrates altogether until healed – consuming cooked and/or pureed veggies will supply the body’s carbohydrate requirements while using good fats and long-cooked proteins to heal the gut lining. OR…

3) Daniel Fast  – all veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, is an excellent healing meal plan that allows the body to rest, repair, and recover, but only for a maximum time of up to about 3 years. It will assist in the recovering gut function, raise the pH of the body back to healthy levels, and help rid the body of built up toxins and waste in the fat stores of the body.

You will notice the absence of dairy in the above descriptions. Dairy should be thought of as a condiment rather than a food group. Where milk is concerned, almond milk is a far superior choice for health than cow milk and actually even better than rice milk. (We do not recommend soy of any kind, including soy milk; other articles and teachings address why.)

So, really, just learn to eat real food. Enjoy your meals in a way that let’s you also enjoy long life. And invest in yourselves by enlisting the right coaches to help you recover real health in every area of life. The right coaches matter.

We will be back in a few days with another article. I am going to remind you once again, because we never get it the first time we hear a new Truth… complete health flourishes in freedom not bondage. All things are permissible. Not all things are beneficial.

Michelle Pearson Everett
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