TV GutMy Gut Instincts Tell Me…

We Need a Refresher Course!

Introduction: I spent the weekend working with four new clients with severe gut problems, ranging from mysterious abdominal pains, to IBS, Crone’s, and Diverticulitis, to Fibromyalgia and plain, old, constipation. As I was working out some nutritional plans and menus for these clients, I got to reviewing the cases, and was once again reminded about how prevalent gut problems are in today’s society.

As we work with clients across the globe, Doc and I are frequently dealing with these topics; in fact, one of the very first avenues of attacking disease of many kinds is to get the gut healthy again. It’s often Doc’s first instruction to a new patient, and mine to a new training group… Improve Your Gut Instincts.

So to that end, I’m giving mine a summer cleaning and also running a series of articles for us all on the blog for the next few weeks.  (You can catch my progress and comments on the Facebook page; I know, like you want to know all about it, right? 🙂 But seriously, I try to share tips on that page like recipes I find and daily insights to living in complete health. Plus Freebies now and then too, so check it out and let’s connect.) 

Today we are examining the effect of gut health on your sleep patterns.

Did you know that if you regularly have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep after a few hours, that you may not be able to rest because you cannot digest?

If you have heartburn, gastric reflux, indigestion with gas, or bloating, and even constipation or hemorrhoids, these issues may be the root cause of your poor sleep. Targeted nutrition and better education can help you make great strides to improve imbalanced gut flora, lack of digestive enzymes, food sensitivities, insufficient vitamins, minerals, water, and/or fiber.

Recent scientific studies show that our digestive systems is intricately linked to many of the same receptor sites that regulate our brain chemicals. An imbalance in these neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) like serotonin, epinephrine and dopamine can cause insomnia. Further research show a definite connection between “nervous stomach” and irritable bowel syndrome and sleep problems.

Targeted nutrition means getting the supplements and foods you need at the right times and in the correct amounts in the manner that the body’s design can utilize for health!  Getting the gut healthy is the number one priority for many people and they don’t even realize the impact nor the importance.

So, why have one more day or week of missed sleep? Follow the teaching here on the blog and follow this month as we explore good gut instincts even further; and join us for boot-camp every year in January! Get plugged in (versus plugged up) in our wellness teams, The Joshua Groups, so you can digest, rest, and be your best!

Michelle Pearson Everett
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