Got that summertime swelling, otherwise know as “bloating”?

Here are a few quick tips that help minimize or eliminate mild to moderate swelling due to extra humidity, heat, and/or mild dehydration:

  • Drink plenty of water – not sodas. Water or herbal, non-caffeinated teas help hydrate the body and flush out toxins.
  • Drink watermelon juice – also a mild diuretic which adds nutrition and eliminates mild bloating.
  • Take Co-Q10 to improve your heart function, aiding in the body’s ability to pump fluids from the extremities.
  • Add 2T AVC (high quality, nutritional grade apple cider vinegar, like Bragg’s) to a glass of water in the morning and before each meal – be sure it is diluted though! Will also aid in digestion.
  • Keep some movement or exercise even in the summer months to help your circulation, just be sure to avoid the mid-day heat and be certain you are hydrating: 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water daily – more when in the heat or sweating.
  • If you do work out, check out our article on Endurance and ASEA – I boosted my hikes from 3 to 10 miles int he 100 degree heat last year with the help of these tips and that top notch recovery nutrition. Get your best performance ever this summer with no illness and no injury!
  • Take cooler baths and showers; consider an Epsom salt bath with lavender before bedtime to relax, hydrate and add back nutrients through the skin.
  • Avoid prepackaged and processed foods, excess sugar, and preservatives. Don’t make it hard or fear-based. When you cut out what you do know about and can see, you need not be overly concerned with what you don’t know or can’t see.
  • Reduce or eliminate dairy and wheat products to stimulate the health of the gut; add a pro-biotic if you are not already on one.
  • Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits. They add fiber which aids elimination and cleanses your organs – the natural way.
  • And the popular, lemon or lime in your water; adds flavor and actually helps the liver and gallbladder to cleanse in the way they are designed to do so. Apples, by the way, also help the gallbladder cleanse.

So, there are a few quick and easy ways to eliminate the summertime swelling and bloated blues.  Above all, enjoy life this summer! Jesus came that you might have life and have it abundantly! Receive your freedom to do just that and make wise choices that work with His design and desire for your life!

Michelle Pearson Everett
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