Are You Confused About…
Energy Drinks?
So, this month we are looking at various topics in the health and fitness arena that, to the general public, are confusing. Today, we take on the much controversial, severely misused, and certainly mislabeled industry of… energy drinks!
If you have been with us very long, you have heard me say, at least once, about the fundamentals for health that:
A) healthy results are about chemistry and not calories,
B) if you work with the design, it produces health, if you work against the design, it produces disease, and
C) that “fooling” the body (and lying to your mind) is never a good idea and will never produce long-term health.
Our topic today, modern energy drinks, like those pictured above and many others, violate all three of the fundamental principles for reclaiming and maintaining real health – which includes the size, shape, and weight you should be and having energy to enjoy and live fully the life before you.
Thousands, perhaps millions have fallen for this outright marketing lie of energy drinks. While you might not drink the ones pictured above because you know they can’t be good for you, there are many energy drinks and water additives that folks are falling for because they give the illusion of “healthy” additives.
I know you don’t know. And, you are all, or at least many of you, are really trying to do healthier things and make healthier choices! You really are! This post is not to condemn, nor even convict, but to educate folks on the trap of deceptive but legal advertising to snare you.
Case in point: I was traveling with friends recently and kept seeing them add a little squirt of something to their water at meals. I was curious, but the opportunity did not present itself to investigate further during our travels. Weeks later, I was reminded of that again as I stocked up on frozen veggies and household things at our local “bulk buy” wholesale club. There at the checkout stands were rows of “natural” energy boosters, water additives, “loaded with B-vitamins for a natural energy boost”.
Aha! The culprits! So I grabbed it up to check out the ingredients. Yes, there were indeed B vitamins, minuscuel amounts, but they indeed were in there. Including enough niacin to give the drinker a good flush so that they “felt” the effectiveness.
But…. and it is a big but… (selah) that was not all. Also included as natural ingredients in the mix were guarana, caffeine, taurine, and ginseng.
Whoa. That is enough stimulants to blast a dead man awake. It’s kinda like the cocktail they use to zap a heart patient awake who has coded on the table folks, except minus those all important B Vitamins! 😀
Again, unknowing consumer sucked in to the trap of “health food” scam, err, uh, I mean, of course, marketing.
It’s pure adrenaline. Which is precisely why people LIKE to drink it.
(It is like giving a baby mashed fruit or mushed green beans… duh! which one do you think they will say yum yum to??)
But what happens after that? CRASH.
No problem. It got you through the 5 hours you need it to, and now you can lay down to bed, exhausted, toss and turn all night from the stimulant absorption lag time (because the “–ine” group of stimulants metabolize in the bloodstream for about 6-10 hours after consuming), you awaken again at or around 3:00 AM like a buzzed up zombie, and start the day all over again. That is until the body actually burns all the way out and collapses, or you get sick, or both.
Next day, you start with coffee or energy drink, eating carbs and sugars every chance you get, or worse, substituting another no or low calorie energy drink in place of sugar, thinking you will lose weight and still have energy. Yet, after initial weight loss, you gain even more than you weighed before and are consuming fewer calories than ever; now it becomes impossible to lose weight no matter what you try, starve, eat, binge, purge, doesn’t matter so why bother, pizza and diet drink, BUT…
…you now feel so much better about yourself because of those B Vitamins in your water!
Chemistry, not calories.
All those things in your drink or squirt are actually burning up your real B Vitamins at alarming rates, leading the way for some MAJOR diseases and damage internally to veins, vessels, arteries, and organs (both tissues and function). Your zero-10 calories drinks actually boost the chemistry to GAIN weight MORE than a calorie laden soda or delicious desert!
CHANGE YOUR MIND and your habits.
When I wrote this, Dr. Ray added… “There is no shortcut to being healthy! In parenthesis, ‘How gullible can you be?’”
In truth and love folks, I know this because I lived it and almost didn’t make it out. And that was even before the age of these “natural” energy drinks! I only had coffee, tea, and soda! You know what they say about a reformed smoker’s zealousness? Well, I am a delivered adrenaline junkie who wants sincerely for you to be spared from sorrow upon sorrow.
The Lord through my husband, Dr. Ray, taught me and brought me out of the destructive, deceptive lifestyle of addiction and dieting. He will you too if you will be honest and receptive to truth.
Stop. Listen. Learn. LIVE.
We are talking more about B Vitamins in this month’s live training call in The Joshua Groups. Want to join us? Just register from the menu above and really get plugged in to Energy that won’t cause you to crash and burn!
Know someone who consumes energy drinks??
I’ll bet you do!
Be BOLD! Love them and share this with them.
Believe. Choose. Activate. Achieve. (Repeat.)
- Great Faith Adventures - August 15, 2020
- Great Faith Adventures – Video Gallery - March 10, 2018
- 2016 Annual Year End Ministry Report - February 4, 2017
Use to drink 2 a day and soda in between until the 40 day boot camp. Drinking energy drinks kept me awake for a short while and killing me in the long run.
Great article! I just want to print it, blow it up to poster size, and post it in my classroom. It is unreal the number of students who tell me they had a Red Bull "this morning to get me through exams".