Diabetes kills more people each year
than breast cancer and AIDS combined.
Nearly 26 million children and adults in American are living with diabetes, and another 79 million at high risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.
But hey, be honest, that doesn’t sound very good but, it does not seem like a catastrophe either, now does it?
That is nearly 50% of the American population.
What if the cancer rate was 50%? Would that cause alarm?
Why doesn’t it cause the same action or alarm when the doctor says you have “elevated blood sugar?”
Why? I can tell you why… because with symptoms occurring in nearly 50% of all American adults, it has become routine to hear of, know someone, or have this diagnosis. Living with diabetes has become the new standard.
And not just in the U.S. either, by the way. The International Diabetes Federation estimates that there are 246 million adults with diabetes. The five countries will the largest numbers of people with diabetes are India, China, the United States, Russia, and Germany. The number of people worldwide with diabetes is expected to increase alarmingly in the coming decades, rising to 380 million people in 2025.
Ever heard, “O.K., so it’s not great. But it’s not like they have cancer, right? It’s not like it’s going to kill them or anything. Besides, it’s hereditary, so they really can’t do too much about it.”
The American Diabetes Association reports “the disease is taking a devastating physical, emotional and financial toll on our country. Yet, most Americans don’t consider diabetes a serious matter. They feel it is someone else’s responsibility; someone else’s problem.”
Recent numbers by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention paint a desperate situation of where we are at, and where we are headed:
· Every 17 seconds, someone is diagnosed with diabetes.
· Diabetes kills more people each year than breast cancer and AIDS combined.
(Excerpt November 02, 2011 from http://www.diabetes.org)
Did you know that: diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure, nontraumatic lower-limb amputations, and new cases of blindness among adults in the United States?
Did you know that: diabetes is one of the main causes of heart disease and stroke? More than 85% of people with diabetes die of a heart attack because elevated blood sugar is so hard on the function of the heart.
Did you know that: diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death in the United States?
Did you know: you can prevent it from happening in your family even if every generation before you have had it?
Did you know: there are two types of diabetes? Type 1 is rarer, usually affects children and young adults, and is caused by a malfunction of the pancreas after trauma or illness. Only 5% of cases have Type 1.
Type 2 on the other hand, is 100% lifestyle driven. 95% of all diabetics have Type 2. And Type 2 is 100% lifestyle driven. It is much more familiar than it is hereditary. You learn it from your relatives instead of receiving it in the DNA.
Is there any good news? Yes! You can learn. You can change. Most importantly, you can live without it.
And we can show you how. with Real Help. Real Hope. Real Answers.
Here are some highlights from the rest of the month, as we help you change your “norm” back to complete health: (archived after November but you can still get them!)
1. Digestion and Diabetes – what goes in and how matters
2. Sleep and Diabetes – how adrenal fatigue and sleep disturbances fuel diabetes
3. Hormones and Health – Diabetes and the Syndrome X Cycle
4. It’s a Gut Feeling (again) – The GI Tract and Insulin Resistance connection
5. Stress, Sugar, and Sickness – Immune Busters and Builders
6. And more! So join us as we find out…
Is it someone else’s problem?
Or is it yours and you just don’t know it yet?
(No worries, though! If you are willing, you can get healthy for good. The right coaches make the difference.)
See you in the Facebook and Twitter forums! Looking forward to some great questions!
- Great Faith Adventures - August 15, 2020
- Great Faith Adventures – Video Gallery - March 10, 2018
- 2016 Annual Year End Ministry Report - February 4, 2017
Where can I read your blogs on diabetes? Thanks Michelle.
Are your products available to purchase yet?