We have asked guest blogger, singer, and speaker, Mandy B. Anderson, author of

"In Sickness and In Health, Lessons Learned on My Journey from Cystic Fibrosis to Total Health"

to join us today! The book releases this fall! There is a sneak preview for the book here.

Please welcome her and the wonderful article:


How To Enhance Your Life With Whole Foods

The Journey To A Life Of True Wholeness

By: Mandy B. Anderson

There are many tools needed in order to reach a life of true wholeness. Some of them include skills like knowing how to overcome fear, shifting your perspective so you speak life instead of death, practicing a life of forgiveness, walking by faith…the list goes on. One of the most important tools for a life of true wholeness is the choice to be healthy.

Health really is a choice whether you were born into this world in sickness or in health. Today, we're going to take a look at some "whole food" that can enhance your life on a daily basis, and why it is so beneficial for you. The following information was given to me by one of my business mentors and it is so powerful that we actually share it at our live Wine & Wellness parties.

Did you know…?

Eating Cabbage more than once per week cuts colon cancer odds by 66%.

Eating a Carrot per day cuts stroke rate in women by 68%.

Eating half cup of Spinach once per day cuts macular degeneration odds by 43%.

Eating 6 servings per day of Fruits and Vegetables cuts stroke rate by 44%.

Broccoli has 20-50% more anti-cancer capabilities than Tamoxifin

Eating 9 serving per day of Fruits and Vegetables cuts stroke rate by 66%.

Blueberries lowers cholesterol better than drugs

Apples have natural estrogen and helps reduce cholesterol.

Acorela Cherries are known to relieve symptoms of osteoarthritis.

Cranberries are strong antibiotics and antivirals.

Oranges besides being high on vitamin C has every class of Cancer inhibitor known.

Papayas are natural medicine for helping digestion.

Peaches contain Boron, which aids in Calcium absorption.

Pineapple is your best anti-inflammatory and helps dissolve blood clots.

Raw Beets are a natural antidepressant.

Broccoli is a super source of chromium, which helps regulate insulin & blood sugar.

Cabbage is anti-ulcer.

Carrots fight heart and eye disease.

Kale has 50% more calcium than milk.

Parsley lowers pressure.

Spinach lowers cholesterol.

Tomatoes reduce your risk of skin, pancreatic, bladder and prostate cancer.
Did you know that all these fruits and vegetables are also your best source of Antioxidants to prevent you from all the degenerative diseases like cancer, heart disease and diabetes?

Whole food is so important to your every day life! Without the nutrients that whole foods give us, we can not function at our best in order to live the life of our dreams. I'm going to enjoy some pears, plums, and asparagus today…what about you?

Born with cystic fibrosis, Mandy B. Anderson's journey of overcoming a life-threatening disease encourages and equips people to rise up and conquer their own barriers in life. She is an inspirational speaker, singer, writer and Juice Plus+® wellness coordinator who shares her life in such a way that you feel like you just spent time with your best friend. Mandy cares about people, and is passionate about helping them overcome their obstacles so they can live their lives in true wholeness. She is the author of the forthcoming book “In Sickness & In Health: Lessons Learned on My Journey from Cystic Fibrosis to Total Health.”

Copyright ©2011 Mandy Anderson and www.mandybanderson.com

Special Offer: Mandy B. Anderson has graciously extended a special offer to our coaching and mentoring groups. The following is a link to a recording of a virtual "wine & wellness party" she did last month. You can download it by clicking here. She and two other guests discuss more ways to get whole foods into your family's eating plan. 

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