Is your supply meeting the demands of your body?

by Michelle Pearson


Many people think of stress as being in chaos, uncontrolled emotions, hair-pulling frustration, and wired up moments or days when nothing goes right. In reality, stress is most often times not that dramatic.

Simply defined, stress is an increased demand for your resources.

Frustration, unstable emotions, and even physical illness result when you encounter such a demand that you currently cannot or are not supplying resources to your body in a manner conducive to your own wellbeing.

You can experience emotional stress, physical stress, mental stress, and even spiritual stress. However, no matter what the beginning source is, every source of stress produces stress in and on the physical body, actually changing the physiological responses of the body’s systems and organ functions.

Think right now of a nice, ripe, juicy lemon. Picture it. Smell it? Think of squeezing the juice or just taking a bite of a lemon wedge. What’s happening physically in your mouth right now? Real physiological changes, as if you are eating the lemon right now. Resources are responding even to the thought of it!

So between the things we think on and the actual physical things that our bodies encounter daily, the demand for resources is non-stop! And, because of deficiencies in the natural environment combined with very poor global nutrition and lifestyle habits, for the most part, the demand far out reaches the reservoir we have stored inside.

The number one factor in question becomes then, not only the volume of demand for the resources, but also, and equally as important, the available supply of resources.  The availability of that supply, the reserves in your storehouse, is contingent on your choices in what we have termed The Seven Essentials for Health™. 

We mention these quite frequently, but as the holiday season and the approach of the New Year is upon us, I sense that this is an excellent time to teach on them again and give some real, practical steps and pointers that will help you through the next 6 weeks.

Let’s first list the essentials:

The Seven Essentials for Health™

         What You Eat

         What You Drink

         How You Exercise

         How You Rest

         What You Breathe

         What You Say

         What You Believe & Think

(If you would like a color poster (.pdf) of these that you can print out and pin up somewhere as motivation this month, pop over and LIKE our Facebook page and I’ll send you one for free. )

We are going to take the last one first:

What You Believe and Think

Very simply… you have become where and who you are today; but that is not where and who you have to be.

If, in any area of your life, your supply is not meeting the demand, if you are running short on finances, fitness, fun, family time, faith for the journey, you need to take a fresh look at what it is that you believe.

How you approach your choices in The Seven Essentials for Health™ determine if your result will be destiny or destruction, financial freedom or fiscal failure, complete health or devastating disease… every time. Can I say that again? Every time. Here are some physical examples:

One minute of anger uses enough of your resources to suppress the immune system for 4-6 hours. That doesn’t sound awful, but do the math… if you go to sleep angry, sleep for eight hours, you have suppressed your immune system for… 80-120 days. That’s 3-4 months for one choice, one night!

One choice, one time determines the immediate risk of a heart attack for a diabetic who ignores their rising blood sugar and eats whatever they like just one time. “Just one piece of pie won’t kill me…”  Really?   

One choice, one time, determines if you pick up that virus that everyone else is passing around or not because your gut flora is awful due to indigestion of complex starches and undigested proteins. You know… steak and baked potato with butter and sour cream. “I only do that maybe once a year… “

One choice, one time, determines if your blood sugar level elevates to a diabetes diagnosis instead of a few extra pounds gained or the jeans just being too tight.

One more soda, one more time, finally produces the acidity that allows cancer to grow. It takes 32 8-ounces glasses of water to wash out/counteract the acidity produced by ONE 8 ounce carbonated beverage, aka: soda. “I rarely drink them, just one every once in while… “

One bitter memory entertained in unforgiveness can turn a cancer survivor into a victim who doesn’t make it out alive the next time around. One.

One more plateful of white bread or bleached pasta in an unhealthy gut can trip it over into an autoimmune disease.

One dose of natural ephedrine can cause an athlete to die before leaving college or ever reaching the Olympics they have trained their whole lives to attend.

Just one choice, one time.

Does that mean we can never have the foods, drinks, and lives we love? Does it mean we cannot recover from the choices we have already made?

What it means is…

Examine what it is that you believe you love most and make your choices in agreement with that belief.

What you choose to think you “like” or can tolerate every so often, exposes what you really believe. What you believe has the single greatest impact on whether you live long and strong or die early, poorly, or painfully.

What you really believe is what dictates what you do. Period. The End.

If what you say you believe is not lining up with the choices in resources – whether it is supply or demand – then you do not believe what you think you do, or you need to change what your action to match the belief.

Remember, today you have learned that stress is not just emotional craziness or chaos; it is, in any area, the increased or excessive demand for your resources. There is no separation between the will and the actions once light is received on the issue. You must supply for the demands you allow or you will experience physical disease.

We will talk more as the month goes on about choices, about fueling the supply and choosing the demands, and tips to make the changes that bring healthy beliefs in line with healthy bodies.

If you stay with us all month and apply what you learn, you can rest assured that you will come through any season of mental, emotional, physical, and financial trials victorious over stress and free from its destructive side effects!

Know someone who is struggling with some health problems?

Of course you do! Please share this with them.

Believe. Choose. Activate. Achieve. (Repeat.)

Michelle M Pearson, Senior Wellness CoachMichelle Pearson is a dynamic wellness coach, speaker, author, and the Founder & President of Picture of Health Inc. ( On a personal health journey for the past 17 years, Michelle’s mission is to educate, activate, challenge and equip others to live a full, satisfying life through the use of state-of-the-art educational resources to produce significant and lasting health breakthroughs.

Picture of Health Inc

1212 Eugene St

Harrison AR 72601

(870) 204-6960

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Michelle Pearson Everett
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