Top 5 Tips on Fasting Instead of Dieting!
Top 5 Tips on Fasting Instead of Dieting! by Michelle M. Pearson Many people mistakenly and routinely refer to diets and dieting as "fasting". In doing so, they may feel more spiritual about their diet, but in the end, they repeatedly fail in their attempt to...
Top 5 Fastest Ways to Gain Health & Drop Inches
This year we are calling for a revolution - not resolutions! Those never work past the first 21 days anyhow, so, let's make a radical change and, my first memory quote for today, "Get out of the rut to lose the gut!" Now I have lined up for you the top 5 fastest ways...
It’s just a gut feeling but…
It's just a gut feeling but... are you missing some sleep? Today we are examining the effect of gut health on your sleep patterns. Did you know that if you regularly have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep after a few hours, that you may not be able to rest...
Can’t sleep? Check your garbage!
Can't sleep? What's that smell? Are you recycling garbage again? Can't sleep? This month's main topic is "Get Some SLEEP!" We will be writing about all sorts of sleep-related concerns through-out the month, including how it relates to your immune function (today), how...
Wow. Do I have connections?!
Wow. Do I Have Connections?! You may recall that I said a couple of days ago that the reason to be excited was because this piece of information we are exploring is all about connections, or “the connection”. So, what is it? The closing thoughts that day were about a...
Shh… Secret Exercise Tips of Olympians
Shh! Secret Exercise Tips of Olympians (Hope you enjoy the video blog (vlog) today!)
Breakfast of Champions for Spring Training!
Breakfast of Champions for Spring Training! by Michelle M Pearson Let's face it, most people skip breakfast, eat on the run, or grab a quick unhealthy choice to start their day! Breaking the fast of all night without food is an essential step in healing, for...
Got Belly Fat? Try this on for size!
Got Belly Fat? Try this on for size! by Michelle M Pearson In Part 1 of the series, "Hormones and a Happy, Healthy YOU!" we begin our study the chemical or hormonal system of the body. We will be covering these topics in depth all spring in our meetings and our...
Guarding The Five Gates (Part 2)
Guarding The Five Gates (Part 2) We've been chatting about the lessons learned guarding the five gates, your five senses. Some of the most powerful lessons I learned in life came as I turned away from the "pressure-cooker" life filled with looming diseases and turned...
Guarding The Five Gates (Part 1)
Guarding The Five Gates (Part 1) The five gates I am speaking of are your senses. Some of the most powerful lessons I learned as I turned away from the "pressure-cooker" life filled with looming diseases were the lessons I learned about "Guarding the Five Gates." LIFE...
Top 5 Fat Storing Hormones
Top 5 Fat-Storing Hormones by Michelle Pearson As we wind up the month, we are taking aim on FAT Elimination! Yes, armed with wisdom and understanding, hormones are what is up next as we are continuing in our series, "The High Fives to Health!" Here's your first...
Top 5 Things That Pollute Your Body’s Environment
Here is another powerful article in our series: "The High Five's of Health!" Here is today's topic: The top 5 things the pollute your body's environment. We have already taught you in previous articles that you can gauge the health of the body by measuring the pH of...
Top 5 Emotions That Drain Your Health
Top 5 Emotions That Drain Your Health by Michelle M. Pearson All month we are presenting articles in our series: "The High Five's of Health!" One of the easiest ways to quickly gauge the health of the body is to measure the pH of saliva and urine. pH readings, while...
Top 5 Most Important Measures To Take to Restore Your Health
Top 5 Most Important Measures To Take to Restore Your Health All month we are presenting articles in our series: "The High Five's of Health!" Today we will examine the top five most important measures you can take to begin restoring and improving your health. No...
Top 5 Benefits of Improving Your Gut Health
Top 5 Benefits of Improving Your Gut Health We are reaching in deeper and climbing higher than ever for better health and a better life – our best life yet! All month we will be featuring articles - like this on gut health - in our series called the "High Fives for...
How were so many misled about health, dieting, and HCG?
How were so many misled about health, dieting, and HCG? By Michelle M Pearson Are you among the many at New Year's that are finally ready to shed the weights of years past? Are you desperately trying to beat serious illness? Are you...
HCG – What’s the harm? It Produces Weight Loss!
HCG - What's the harm? It Produces Weight Loss! By Michelle M Pearson This article is the third in a series on the hot topic: Dieting and HCG. Most comments and emails thus far have been "thank you so much!" But several were inquiries for more...
Don’t Take the Bait!
Don't Take the Bait! Make This New Year Different! by Michelle M Pearson Extra! Extra! It's a Sunday Inspirational Extra! Got New Year's Health Resolutions? Got diet plans? This is a Must Read! One of my mentors, Dr. Clarice Fluitt, taught me, "God...