HO! HO! HO! Got Belly Fat?

by Michelle M PearsonHO HO HO Got Belly Fat?

Belly fat makes for funny jokes, yes, but it’s actually the beginning stages of the medical diagnosis for “Syndrome X” or Insulin Resistance Syndrome. And it leads to a whole host of other major, life-threatening diseases. Not really funny when you size it up that way. (Pun intended. Laughter is good medicine.) But seriously,

It’s more than weight… it’s the first sign of diabetes and many other diseases.

(By the way, have you taken the FREE Health Quiz on the right sidebar of our site? Now is a great time to do that. We call it “The Wake Up Call” pop-quiz.)

All month in November is Diabetes Awareness Month in the media, so we are taking advantage of the awareness to educate, activate, challenge and equip you to defeat diabetes! Defeating Diabetes 101 was our first blog on the topic, including a video clip. In that post I wrote:

“Health is not achieved by symptom driven courses of action. Health comes as a result of and a response to working with the design of your fearfully and wonderfully made body.

If you work with the design and the function of the body, it will produce healthโ€ฆ every time. If you work against the design and function, it will produce diseaseโ€ฆ every time.”

So let’s go deeper now into the causes and prevention of disease, including diabetes, with this dynamic (and humorous) video training clip. This is an excerpt from our “Series 3 – 40 Days to Freedom Bootcamp”, taught live in The Picture of Health classroom and now available online in our coaching teams.



CLICK on the video to watch the “vlog” (video blog) for today. When you finish, show some love by hitting the easy LIKE button for Facebook! Can you help other people by making a little extra effort to Tweet or post a COMMENT too? Your comments really seem to help other people find the help they are looking for.ย 

(You can see testimonies “Picture of Health Clients Say…” from the bootcamp participants on our YouTube Channel)

Thanks so much for being with us here! If these blogs are a help to you, please take a minute to comment or ask a question and we will try to answer it in future blogs! And keep joining us for more discussion this month on Defeating Disease 101, including but not limited to Diabetes!

The Right Wellness Coaches Matter!Dr. Ray Pearson is a licensed Chiropractic Physician and a Pharmacist, with over 40 years in healthcare.ย  Dr. Ray has post-graduate training and certification in numerous advanced wellness therapies and Chiropractic techniques.

Dr. Pearson and wife, Michelle M. Pearson, have more than 1000 hours of continuing education in advanced nutrition and wellness topics. Both are dynamic wellness coaches, speakers, authors and founders of http://thepictureofhealth.com. Together, their mission is to educate, activate, challenge and equip others to live a full, satisfying life through the use of state-of-the-art educational resources to produce significant and lasting health breakthroughs.

Did you learn anything? Tell us what you learned below!

Michelle Pearson Everett
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