march madness part 3 by Michelle M Pearson

Welcome to Part 3 of the March Madness Championship series: “Hormones – Stop The Madness.”

At the top of the month we began our study on the endocrine system – the chemical or hormonal system – of the body. We will be covering these topics in depth all spring in our blogs, our social media “living rooms”, on radio, in our coaching teams, and in The Joshua Groups.

In the last blog article, we specifically drilled down on the top 5 fat storing hormones and how to bring them back in line with complete health.  And in our corresponding weekly radio broadcast, Your Health, Your Choice! we discussed that in most cases, excess body fat has more to do with chemistry than calories.

Our teaching this week continues further with the Endocrine System, and a look at weight gain known as “belly fat”. Different than an overall weight gain, belly fat, or, weight that is stored primarily around the mid-section of the body, is caused by specific hormones (chemistry) and cannot be resolved by counting or cutting calories.

Interestingly, belly fat can often be the first indicator of both heartbreak and hormonal disorders and diseases.It is not inconsequential that the two are related. And no one is immune to its effects. It is the body’s design at work with what our choices have given it to work with.

You see, health is not achieved by symptom driven courses of action. Health comes as a result of and a response to our working with the design of your fearfully and wonderfully made body.

One of my hallmarks in all of our teaching series is, “If you work with the design and the function of the body, it will produce health… every time. If you work against the design and function, it will produce disease… every time.”

Let’s learn more in today’s video excerpt from “The Picture of Health, Series 1”, taught live in The Picture of Health classroom, where I am teaching on the top five fat storing hormones, the balance and backup systems in your hormonal system, as well as the causes and prevention of disease. 

Just CLICK on the video to join the class… 

Thanks so much for being with us here “in the classroom”. If these blogs are a help to you, please take a minute to comment or ask a question. 

And, please, accept my personal invitation to join us for our next weekly radio broadcast of Your Health, Your Choice! Where we get real. Real Help. Real Hope, and Real Answers! I’ll be sharing a bit of my own testimony of chemistry versus calories on the broadcast.*

Leave some love in the comments below! 

* That will be #YHYC Season 1, Episode 3, if you are reading this at a later date.

Michelle Pearson Everett
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