(Written in remembrance of those who are dying too young.)

This morning as we prepare to leave for our missions trip to Pikes Peak, the nephew of a dear friend and precious ministry partner died of cancer. Thankfully, he moved to heaven, but far too early, far too young. So we are delaying departure to post this blog,”Straight Talk About… Early Departure.

It is about our role in delaying departure.

It was this past January, after over a year of standing in faith successfully and strongly against the spirit of grief, of ministering on the freedom of knowing that loved ones who have died are not gone forever but are indeed in our future if they know our Savior as theirs, just over a year after our daughter died of cancer, and during that same next year watching my father ravaged by the same disease, a year of endeavoring not to remember the last breath, the single tear that rolled down her still beautiful young face, it was just over a year of not remembering that the Lord asked me (during a 40 day fast) to do the unthinkable… 

First, Love asked me to climb Mt Kilimanjaro in Africa. Before the shock wore off, we said yes!

But then, Love asked us to… remember

He asked us to climb to remember Rachelle. (And also my Dad, Joe, Dick, Jan, Tommy, Shelly, Shirley, and so many more that I won’t name but do remember.) And, He asked us to climb to remember YOU.

We responded… “I will climb to remember you. And, we will climb to remember… You, Lord, are greater! and YOU can cause this to make a difference… to delay departures until the fullness of life has been enjoyed to your Glory!”

Since that moment, we have had so many divine connections and confirmations, including placement on the GodTV team for the climb! We have formed partnerships with other ministries doing awesome works in the earth to reach, rescue, restore, redeem, and reveal Christ.

In the training time of the past months, my father also moved to glory, a trip I am very certain was a wonderful eye-opening experience of God’s goodness to him. My training hikes helped me during his passing to remember he also is in our future.

In the past few months, we walked away from our house, sold most of what we owned at auction, moved to another state in a smaller but so lovely apartment, all to prepare for this journey, all to remember why we are here… to BE the voice of help, hope, and healing to those who need The Saviour and those who need champions to remember them BEFORE they make early departures.

The greatest way to honor and remember our loved ones who are waiting for us in the glory of heaven is to remember those we CAN still help here on earth. And to ACT on it. To DO what we CAN DO. Together we CAN be the voice and MAKE the difference. We CAN delay those early departures by bringing the Word of Truth, the Good News, and practical, tangible help to those waiting to be remembered.

These are the things that God is bringing to our remembrance this morning as we roll out to leave for Colorado Springs and Pikes Peak… to take the summit, to make that prophetic step and take the mountains, this Saturday.

As we load the van, supplied by you our partners, with the gear and gifts also supplied by our ministry partners, we are praying for the Phillips family for great grace and comfort, we are standing in faith for supernatural healing from cancer with three other families who are partners, and we are moved beyond measure at the outpouring of prayer and love from all those who are joined in this journey.

So, moved, in fact, that I am delaying our departure to quickly get this blog out so that as we mount the summit on Saturday morning, this post will arrive in the emails of all our mailing list, sharing the good news with so many about providing help, hope, and healing.

Why publish this and send it to so many? First, because Love asked me to. Second, so that you too can have the opportunity to be a part of the journey. Do you have those you remember? Does grief try to grip you, make you immobile? Or does your heart simply want a way to remember your loved ones with honor and faith?

Here is your trail to remembering God is greater, DOING something that shows we are determined to delay these early departures by making a difference every way we can. Join us in making steps to brighter futures for many. Because we CAN DO it together.

As you ponder these things, I share these precious prayers and comments from our Facebook page as well as some video filmed at our pre-Pikes rally, in the very cold rain last Saturday in Branson, MO. Huge thanks for the faithful who prayed int he dry and even more kudos to those who braved the elements to hike with us as we tested our preparedness for this week! Hope you enjoy seeing this as much as we enjoyed doing it… all for His Glory and the help to multitudes!

As we hike this weekend to raise that awareness and funds to bless the outreaches that can truly make a difference globally, the deadline for our down-payment on travel for the Mt Kilimanjaro climb with GodTV rapidly approaches. We received our official participant packet yesterday (pictured at top) which requires:

  • the first installment of $4,000 by October 1… that is just 9 days away. Then
  • another installment of $11,000 to $16,000 will be due by end of October.
  • With the final goal to each charity being due by January 13, 2013.

BE the voice of help, hope, and healing. (I’ll be the feet!)

TOGETHER we can make a difference.

I woke up to these posts on our Facebook page this morning and cried for 30 minutes. So, as I head off to load the van, I leave you this morning with these amazing thoughts, prayers, and comments from those who have seen the vision and hooked up as partners. Stay tuned for pictures from the SUMMIT because we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us and we (you included!) were born, like Esther, to take courageous action that saves lives, we were born for such a time as this!

“HE (LOVE) has called you to conquer the mtns. You answered, “here am I”. Because HE (LOVE) called you & you answered, HE (LOVE) is supplying you overflowing spiritually, physically, financially. I can only imagine the adrenaline rush you will feel as you take that 1st step, the joy & exhilaration you will feel when you reach the top. So excited to see what HE (LOVE) has planned for you next because you answered “here am I”.”
“Just wanted you to know you are in our prayers for a safe successful journey. … We appreciate all you have done for us. Will we get an email from you when you are at the top? Have confidence you will make it to the top. Know we love you.” 
“Each step in faith, each step in love, each step in worship of God our Creator! Much love and prayers as you take the step of faith today leaving for Pikes Peak and then on Saturday! Praying for a safe journey!”
“I pray safety in your travel. The angels go before you and prepare the way and a hedge of protection around you as you conquer this first mountain. Overflowing abundance upon you… expected and unexpected blessings every mile every step. You are precious wonderful people with willing and obedient hearts to please the Lord. There’s people along the way who you bring hope healing and love to who otherwise may have never known. I love you… go in victory and peace!”

To these as so many more who have encouraged us, made our meals, prepared food for the rally, and sent financial gifts ~ we recognize these all were true sacrificial gifts for you and took faith to sow them, we bless them. And the so many prayers plowing our paths, we say thank you to God for the privilege of serving Him and you.

Champions live differently. They have come to realize that faith… is an ACT.

Michelle Pearson Everett
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