Years ago the “culture” began seeing some bone-loss in epidemic portions of the populations. So they came out and said take calcium, 1200mgs per day for most adults, especially females.
Fortunately, many in the population began to take notice and make many adjustments, and actually took some form of calcium supplement. The most discerning chose a product similar to the one at left, a truly naturally-sourced absorb-able form of calcium, preferably with boron and/or Vit D and magnesium with it.
But, just last week, several TV doctors and news media outlets began spreading the word that “research” has shown that is not effective, so just drink milk and get it in your food. (You know, from that soda, fries, and chicken strip fried in trans-fats. Get the calcium from there.)
The TV doctor I was listening to advised folks to just add some dairy, drink some milk. Oh, and see your doctor… to begin taking the available prescription alternatives to natural calcium supplements – these artificial synthetics drugs evidently are “helping” the osteoporosis problem.
Oh my! Just as I am sitting here typing this article, Fox News has a doctor-guest on talking about this very thing! Amazing the timing. (Yes, I am shouting to the TV and saying to Doc, “See? See? I’m telling ya! Can you believe this??)
Interestingly enough, it is double-speak. Newswoman asks him about drinking milk for calcium, which he agrees will help, then says there are many other health problems that may come from that milk intake. Then, as they continue, he elaborates that research “seems to suggest” that the ingestion of natural calcium supplements contributes to plaque build-up in the arteries; however, the same thinkers believe that food-source calcium may not. So, again, they advise, see your doctor for other “viable” solutions to osteoporosis rather than consume calcium supplements.
And millions of viewers do exactly that, unaware of the numerous article of true research that show those drugs eat away your jawbone and other horrid side-effects like cancer and heart disease! Horrors. Yes, they really do. We have been teaching on this for years! About ten or eleven years!
These drugs, called bisphosphonate drugs, are most commonly used to prevent and treat osteoporosis in women over the age of 40, although any age group male or female can be prescribed this class of drugs to treat bone loss.
What is the truth? These drugs do make the bone more dense. So dense that the bones eventually die. They fool the body into thinking the bone is dense, so your natural process of bone building is inhibited.
Plaque in the arteries comes because first there is damage to the arterial wall by homocysteine. The body responds by elevating cholesterol, send some to patch the damaged wall, and then minerals like calcium floating around in the blood stream (which should have been absorbed and used as bone and other functions but were not) are caught in the sticky plaque substance like a bonding agent and form the cement that we know as arteriosclerosis. So, yes, there is calcium found in the hardening of arteries. Not just calcium from supplements, but calcium from any source.
The main problem with calcium supplementation is that “they” (pop culture) never advised that it should be consumed with appropriate amounts of magnesium and other minerals in order to ABSORB. So instead of calcium supplements doing what they were suggested for, results now suggest they are causing other problems. Of course they are because…
Because taking them alone does not work with the body’s design. You think scientists know this?
If you work with the design it works for you and it produces health. If you work against the design it produces dis-ease. ALWAYS.
What to do? (See if you know the answer if you are a regular reader here… ready?)
Post your answers in the comments and we will see how many of you get them right – hint you start with 5… GO!
Be BOLD! Show some love and share this today.
Believe. Choose. Activate. Achieve. (Repeat.) 
Michelle Pearson is a dynamic wellness coach, speaker, author, and the Founder & President of Picture of Health Inc. On a personal health journey for the past 19 years, her mission is to educate, activate, challenge and equip others to live a full, satisfying life through the use of state-of-the-art educational resources to produce significant and lasting health breakthroughs.
Dr. Ray Pearson is a licensed Chiropractic Physician and a Pharmacist, with over 40 years in healthcare. Dr. Ray has post-graduate training and certification in numerous advanced wellness therapies and Chiropractic techniques. Dr. Pearson and wife, Michelle, have more than 1000 hours of continuing education in advanced nutrition and wellness topics.
Picture of Health Inc
164 Preserve Dr F117
Branson MO 65616
- Great Faith Adventures - August 15, 2020
- Great Faith Adventures – Video Gallery - March 10, 2018
- 2016 Annual Year End Ministry Report - February 4, 2017
Eat whole live foods…plenty of fruits and veggies. Cut out the sodas and extra sugar!
hmm….5 steps to health? 1. Decide 2. Obey 3. Choose 4. ? 5. Results
7 Essentials of Physical Health: 1. What you eat 2. What you Drink 3. How you exercise 4. How you rest 5. What you breath 6. What you think 7. What you say